White House Says It Will Veto House Efforts to Scuttle Internet Fairness Rules
Breaking News, Headlines, Technology Tuesday, April 5th, 2011By Josh Smith, NationalJournal
The White House threatened on Monday to veto any bill from Congress that would scuttle new rules aimed at keeping internet access free and open.
“If the president is presented with a resolution of disapproval that would not safeguard the free and open Internet, his senior advisers would recommend that he veto the resolution,” the Office of Management and Budget said in a Statement of Administration Policy.
The House Rules Committee voted on Monday evening to send the resolution to the House floor. The resolution would repeal the Federal Communications Commission’s so-called “network-neutrality” regulations, designed to prevent Internet carriers from blocking websites that use too much bandwidth. The committee voted to allow one hour of debate on the issue. House aides say a vote is expected on Tuesday but the resolution is not expected to make it past the Senate.
To read more, visit: http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/white-house-says-it-will-veto-house-efforts-to-scuttle-internet-fairness-rules-20110404
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