Levin takes on Ron Paul supporters: ‘I promise you his followers are the biggest a-holes of them all’

By Jeff Poor, The Daily Caller

There’s no doubt that 2008 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has some dedicated followers, and they’re especially ambitious in using the Internet to spread their message.

But that isn’t necessarily appealing according to conservative talk host Mark Levin. On his Monday program, Levin said his staff has had some run-ins on his Facebook page and other social networking sites.

“Truth be told, I’m not the administrator of my social sites, but I back the administrator,” Levin said. “See, what happens folks is sometimes we get into these little discussions and the word goes out – flood the Facebook site or whatever – through bloggers, through people who think by this kind of mob mentality, they’re going to persuade people. They don’t persuade anybody of anything. They annoy people and so the administrator has to clean out a bunch of them, particularly when they get into their hate modes. They keep linking back to other sites, which are intending to increase the hits on those other sites.”

Those engaging in this “obnoxious” behavior tend to be the followers of Paul, according to Levin.

To read more, visit:  http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/29/levin-takes-on-ron-paul-supporters-i-promise-you-his-followers-are-the-biggest-a-holes-of-them-all/

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