Spitzer’s former madam ‘probably’ running for New York mayor if Client 9 does

By Steven Nelson – The Daily Caller

Ex-madam and former New York gubernatorial candidate Kristin Davis is considering a run against former New York Democratic Gov. Eliot Spitzer if he enters the race for mayor of New York City in 2013.

“If Spitzer throws his black socks in the ring I may have to throw in my lacy brassiere,” Davis said in a statement sent to The Daily Caller.

Spitzer, who hosts “In the Arena” on CNN, was a prominent customer of Davis’ escort business known as “client 9.” Public revelation of his patronage forced his resignation from the governorship in 2008.

“I had pretty much decided to focus on the sex trafficking issue and not to run for public office again [after the 2010 gubernatorial election],” said Davis. “Running for Governor was great fun and very educational but I decided to pursue advocacy activity and some entrepreneurial efforts in legal industries.”

“The one thing that could probably get me off the bench is a Mayor candidacy by Eliot Spitzer. I’d have to look at it. The opportunity to expose the inequality in our Justice system may be too great,” Davis said.

To read more, visit:  http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/25/thedc-exclusive-spitzers-former-madam-considering-run-for-new-york-mayor-if-client-9-does/

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