Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) Adds His Name to The ObamaCare Repeal Pledge
Activism, Breaking News, Headlines Monday, March 28th, 2011
From Independent Women’s Voice
Washington, D.C. — Independent Women’s Voice President and CEO Heather Higgins today expressed her thanks and gratitude to Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) for fully committing to repeal of ObamaCare and signing The Repeal Pledge.
“Sen. Rand Paul was swept into office on a promise to fight back against the expansion of government power that is endemic to ObamaCare,” said Higgins. “Since his election, Sen. Paul has been a tireless advocate for healthcare freedom and for undoing this government take-over of our healthcare decisions, this nightmare that is ObamaCare. We are thrilled he has added his name to The Repeal Pledge.”
“In signing, Sen. Paul joins 50 other members of Congress who have demonstrated their commitment to doing all they can do to see that ObamaCare is defunded, deauthorized, and ultimately repealed.”
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