Governor pulls health exchange bill after tea party objects
Breaking News, Headlines, Liberty Thursday, March 17th, 2011By Carrie Teegardin and April Hunt, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A last-minute tea party protest prompted Gov. Nathan Deal on Wednesday to shelve legislation that would have planned for a Georgia health insurance exchange.
The new federal health care law gives every state the option of designing its own insurance marketplace, and the legislation would have created a commission to recommend an approach for Georgia. State leaders said it would have allowed them to plan for an exchange while also continuing to fight the federal law in court.
The legislation enjoyed wide support until phone calls started rolling in this week from tea partyers. Deal said Wednesday that he would put the legislation on hold and instead create an advisory committee to study the state’s options for an exchange.
“The governor understands Georgians’ suspicions about any legislation associated with Obamacare,” said a statement from Deal’s office. “He shares their opposition to the federal takeover of health care.”
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