Tea Party Patriots Team Up With Steve King On Last Ditch Effort To Destroy ‘ObamaCare’
Health Monday, February 14th, 2011
By Brian Beutler, TalkingPointsMemo
The Tea Party Patriots are backing up Iowa Republican Steve King in a last-ditch effort to sink “ObamaCare” before the end of winter. But they’re running out of options.
King wants his party to be bold, and attach a measure hacking $100 billion out of the health care law to legislation that will fund the government from March 4 through the end of September. He knows the Democratic Senate and the White House won’t let that fly — but for him larger principles are at stake here, and if the government shuts down because of this fight, so be it.
Republican leaders aren’t wild about this idea, or they would’ve written King’s plan into the base spending package. So King’s trying to do an end-run around them. Monday evening, the House Rules Committee will decide whether to grant King’s plan protected status, so he can offer it on the House floor and pass it with a majority vote. It needs that protected status because it’s not really relevant to the appropriations legislation at hand — and if Rules Committee Republicans decide not to give it that waiver, it will need supermajority support, which it doesn’t have.
To read more, visit: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/02/tea-party-patriots-team-up-with-steve-king-on-last-ditch-effort-to-destroy-obamacare.php
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