Home » Breaking News, Headlines, Liberty » 26 Repubs who supported liberty & rejected the Patriot Act: Who are they?

26 Repubs who supported liberty & rejected the Patriot Act: Who are they?

By Martin Hill, LA County Libertarian Examiner

Out of the 26 Republican Congressmen who voted no on the Patriot Act, eight of them are Repblicans who voted no on it in last year. Ten Republicans total voted no on the Patriot Act in 2010, so that leaves an explanation due for two of those ten. Vern Ehlers of Michigan, who served eighth terms in Congress after first being elected in 1993, retired and did not seek office for 2011. Ehlers was replaced by Justin Amash, a Tea Party candidate who is pro-life, for lower taxes and smaller government. He is of Palestinian and Syrian descent, “the first Palestinian American in Congress”. Amash is Christian, and a former Michigan statehouse member who voted no on more bills than anyone else. Amash voted no on the Patriot Act.

The second out of the ten who voted no last year is Jason Chaffetz of Utah. He just began his second term in Congress, and it is not clear at this time why he changed his vote from no to yes on the Patriot Act this year.
Following are brief profiles on the remaining eight reps who voted no both this year and last:

Roscoe Bartlett from Maryland: Serving his 10th term, his website states “Roscoe G. Bartlett considers himself a citizen-legislator, not a politician.”

Continue reading on Examiner.com: http://www.examiner.com/la-county-libertarian-in-los-angeles/26-repubs-who-supported-liberty-voted-no-on-the-patriot-act-who-are-they#ixzz1DTTazvZw

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Posted by reteaparty on Feb 9 2011. Filed under Breaking News, Headlines, Liberty. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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