Home » Breaking News, Headlines » Rick Scott to unveil state budget at tea party in rural Florida

Rick Scott to unveil state budget at tea party in rural Florida

BY MARC CAPUTO, Miami Herald

Rick Scott wants to throw himself a tea party over the Florida budget.

The new Republican governor reached out to tea-party organizers to host a budget-roll out event next week in Eustis, a rural town about 190 miles from the state Capitol, where governors traditionally unveil their spending proposals.

The event underscores Scott’s likely commitment to propose a budget with large cuts in spending, fees and taxes — which has been met with skepticism by legislators, who aren’t sure how to slash up to $2 billion in taxes and fees while the state faces a shortfall that could top $4 billion next budget year.

But calling for less government spending and revenue is like serving sugar, milk and crumpets to the tea party, an amorphous conservative-leaning movement that fired up the Republican base in the last election.
“I believe Gov. Scott is going to put out a budget that most of us can get behind,” said Patricia Sullivan, an event organizer and co-founder of North Lake Tea Party in Lake County.

“The tea party isn’t a rubber stamp for anyone,” said Sullivan, adding that she’s “honored” Scott reached out to the movement so he could share his budget first with them. She said about 27 groups of roughly 50 have sent RSVPs for the event, which could draw thousands Monday to Eustis’ Ferran Park.

Like his predecessor Charlie Crist, Scott has leaked small parts of his proposed budget to friendly media outlets and friendly crowds without being pressed for many details.

To read more, visit: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/02/05/2052275/rick-scott-to-unveil-state-budget.html#ixzz1D6xbYrUn

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Posted by reteaparty on Feb 5 2011. Filed under Breaking News, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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