Home » Liberty » Why Sarah Palin keeps skipping CPAC

Why Sarah Palin keeps skipping CPAC

By Rachel Weiner, WashingtonPost.com

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today turned down an invitation to speak at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference even after being offered the plum keynote speaking spot, the fourth year in a row she’s turned down an offer to speak at the event.

“February is our busiest winter month and with all the prior obligations and outside travel already scheduled for the month I had to forgo some of the opportunities in the Lower 48,” said Palin in an email to the Fix Thursday explaining her decision.

Palin’s statement, plus the fact that her political action committee is sponsoring a reception at the event seems aimed at making clear that there’s no beef between her and the organizers. (Some conservatives, including Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) are skipping out over the inclusion of gay groups.)

But, is there more to the story? First a quick rehash of Palin’s past no-go’s at CPAC.

*In 2010, a source told Politico that Palin did not attend because she had issues with the American Conservative Union, which organizes CPAC, and chairman David Keene in particular, because he had asked FedEx for financial support in a legislative fight with UPS. However, a CPAC spokesperson told the Fix that they never heard more about this conflict, and that there was no indication from Palin’s team that it was anything more than a scheduling issue.

To read more, visit: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/republican-party/sarah-palin-and-cpac.html

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Posted by reteaparty on Feb 4 2011. Filed under Liberty. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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