Home » Technology » FreedomWorks, Tea Party Express develop new technology, methods to keep grassroots connected

FreedomWorks, Tea Party Express develop new technology, methods to keep grassroots connected

By Matthew Boyle, DailyCaller.com

Tea Party groups FreedomWorks and Tea Party Express are both rolling out some new technology to keep grassroots conservatives connected with each other and with their elected leaders in Washington.

FreedomWorks launched FreedomConnect, a geo-location-driven social networking service for conservatives around the country. FreedomWorks director of federal and state campaigns Brendan Steinhauser told The Daily Caller it’s comparable to President Barack Obama’s campaign web initiative, mybarackobama.com, but goes a few steps further.

“It takes things like MyBarackObama.com and Facebook and combines them into something much more effective. This takes the concept of local organizing and knocks down all the walls associated with that,” Steinhauser said in a phone interview. “Instead of everyone having to trade business cards at a meeting and email each other, now they can get on FreedomConnect and you create your profile. Similar to other social networking sites, you can connect with them, but it’s all based on geography.”

To read more, visit: http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/04/freedomworks-tea-party-express-develop-technology-methods-grassroots-connected/#ixzz1D0ROzCFx

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Posted by reteaparty on Feb 4 2011. Filed under Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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