Home » 2012 Elections » Democrats Force Votes With Eye on Campaigns

Democrats Force Votes With Eye on Campaigns

By Kathleen Hunter, Roll Call

House Democrats have launched a floor strategy aimed at forcing freshman Republicans to take tough votes on politically sensitive topics, mirroring a tactic that the GOP deployed when it was in the minority.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) is consulting with her leadership team, including Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (N.Y.), on how to use a procedural tool known as a motion to recommit to force Republicans to take politically challenging votes.

Under House rules, the minority party is allowed to offer one motion to recommit, which functions much like an amendment, for each piece of legislation as the last step before final passage. With their return to the minority, Pelosi and her leadership team are trying to be more savvy about using the motions to put Republicans on the politically unpopular side of issues that Democrats want to champion ahead of the next election.

So far, Democrats have offered four such motions this Congress: a proposal to require Members to publicly disclose whether they will accept government health insurance, a measure barring a health care repeal bill from taking effect unless a majority of lawmakers forfeit their government-sponsored health insurance, a proposal to bar companies that outsource jobs from obtaining government contracts and a proposal to require disclosure of foreign campaign contributors.

To read more, visit: http://www.rollcall.com/issues/56_74/-202940-1.html?ET=rollcall:e9738:80094833a:&st=email&pos=epol

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Posted by Anthony on Feb 1 2011. Filed under 2012 Elections. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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